Masculinizing with Filler

Masculinizing with Filler in Winnipeg

At Uplift, we offer filler treatments targeted to enhance a masculine appearance. We enhance facial features and redefine masculine contours. Dermal fillers, comprised of hyaluronic acid, can be strategically injected to augment areas like the jawline, chin and cheekbones. This tailored approach aims to create a more sculpted and defined facial appearance, emphasizing traditionally masculine features.

Areas that we treat to increase masculinity

With the use of dermal fillers, we can add volume and contour areas of the face to produce a more masculine result.

The most common areas we treat to achieve this look are the jawline, chin and cheek bones.

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Complimentary Consultations

At Uplift, we offer complimentary consultations to discuss your individualized treatment goals.

We will work collectively to create a treatment plan.

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